Friday, May 18, 2007


Well another week over and today was nothing special really, work began with a trip to the local scout den to fix some plumbing (only to have it canceled when I arrived), so off to a rest home to shut some poor old ducky's hot water off as she is notorious for leaving the hot tap on and draining the hot water cylinder! Then just the typical blocked kitchen sink because some silly tart tried to feed an entire green grocers store down the waste disposer, quotes and other small jobs here and there. After work it was Indian for tea at the mall and off the The Warehouse for some DVD shopping (got Johnny English, Flight of the Navigator - CLASSIC MOVIE!!!, and some doco about climbing Mt Everest that looked quite good). Then off home, drew some house plans for the old man so he can get consent to put in a new shitter and off to bed. Boring ay? But thats what you get when you are on call for work, it blows!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It blows ???? ????