Tuesday, June 19, 2007

F%&K me sideways!

Now you can probably read something very similar to this on Emma's Bebo page but still I want to put it on here anyway. This is pretty much going to be a rant about our idiot, incompetent, childish flatmate Andrew! I was never that fond of him, and yesterday Lou text me at work saying he had put a margarine container in the recycling still coated in marg (on the inside), annoying, however he is too bloody stupid to know that only 1 & 2's are recyclable duh! also after spending all of sunday morning cleaning the whole house he left the kitchen in a state. But this is nothing compared to what he did last night. Before Emma and myself went to bed we asked him to put another log on the fire before he went to bed if he was going to be up longer that us, we went to bed and talked, we heard him in the lounge and a while later I heard something, I sat up in bed and said to Emma the fire sounded loud then I could smell the smoke. He had tried to put a log in the fire, couldnt get it to fit properly so left the log smoldering/on fire sitting on the hearth!!! how fucking stupid and retarded do you have to be!!!! we had a bloody good go at him and all he could say was "I only left it for a minute" right after Emma gave him a speal about it only taking a second for a spark to get onto the carpet and set the house on fire. So I have had enough, well we have all had enough! so I think its time the muppet left!


Anonymous said...

Shall I get the bois around to help him move on ... ...

TeMPuS said...

yeah, more the better. help it all go quickly!