We awoke again reasonably early (its hard not to when the sun rises just after 5am). The morning was cooler than the others, the sky was overcast and looked like it could rain. We did the usual breakfast of muesli and pack everything up, getting happier that the pack is SLOWLY getting lighter as we eat more food. Once again we left before the family of three (Geoff, Sue and Navare), today was open for most of the day so it was good that the day was overcast, kept the harsh sun off us a bit. Not far into the

day we came across a herd of cows, one which got very angry and began to charge as we got a bit close to her young one...bastard cows! make sure you eat lots of beef as payback!. The day seemed to take a long time, but there were some amazing views, close encounters with more cows and some wild horses up close. It did feel good though when we got to spend lunch by a small side stream (Jacksons stream I think), the sun came out and so did the sand flies...but it was so good to eat some food. We decided to keep moving on our slog to Anne huts. Shortly after lunch it was a lot of uphill which I just didn't want to do...but there were some interestin

g caterpillars all over the plants on the path, colorful butterflies and a huge dragonfly. Not long after seeing the dragonfly we got a glimpse of Anne Huts across the Anne river, and how inviting the river looked!.

Once again we did the usual ritual of throwing our packs down, claiming beds and taking those hot boots off (mainly for Emma whose toes we no longer toes, just blisters on blisters). The afternoon had become really hot so we went down to the river for a wash and then returned to the hut for some relaxation time, where

once again we played the night away with uno and sudoku. Better get some sleep as tomorrow we are going to push for Boyle Flats hut instead of the intended Rokeby hut. (The sunset pictured is the last one of 2007)
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