Lake Daniells Tramp
We have just got back from doing an easy 2 day tramp to Lake Daniells in the Lewis Pass area. We left Christchurch on Saturday approx 9:30am and arrived around lunchtime at the carpark. Unpacked all the gear, got eaten alive by sandflies and made our way towards Lake Daniells (DOC recommend 3 hours one way), the day was warm and the river lookd so inviting! Anyway we moved quickly and before we knew it we were there in just on 2 hours (how did we knock one third of the walk time off?). The hut
was nice but was going to be crowded with all the people turning up so we setup camp in the forest up the lake a bit and headed to the hut to sign the book. We spent most of the afternoon taking photos and working on a puzzle book until dinner time. Now I must add tea looked fantastic until Emma threw it all over the ground (accident I know, but still...the pasta looked so good!). We ended up having pumpkin mash with cheese, pita bread and salami which was fine. After dinner we
went for a walk and then sat on the jetty spotting trout. After we retired to bed, did some reading and more puzzles before hitting the sack. After a restless sleep we arose to a fresh morning, but after running around
making breakfast and packing the tent up we soon warmed up.
We shortly left the lake and were back to the carpark in 2 hours. Lunch in the sun at the carpark before heading back to Christchurch, all in all a really fantastic easy trip, and one we will have to do again sometime.
That's a cool photo of the pier out on the way in the evening. Will look into going here myself one day.
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